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Logo style sheet

Logo style sheet

Box dieline

Box dieline

Box with candies

Box with candies

Front and back view of box

Front and back view of box

Front of box

Front of box

Back of box

Back of box

Boxes on candy rack in movie theater

Boxes on candy rack in movie theater

GoGos Candy


For my second project in Graphics III, we designed a box for a product. I chose to create a candy box for a candy I made up called GoGos.


GoGos is a fictional candy targeted towards any age, but particularly young ages. The overall design is meant to be appealing and fun, and it goes along with the colorful candy pieces. GoGos are round candy pieces with a creamy center that comes in seven different flavors. The product gets its name from taking candy on the go--you can take it to the movies, road trips, or just about anywhere. GoGos can be found at the movie theater or wherever candy is sold.


General Info

Medium: Adobe Illustrator

Year: 2014


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